At a glance

Group conversation

This approach is about partnering with community groups to carry out innovative engagement with communities. Community researchers (volunteers known to communities) use various listening and conversational methodologies to help people express themselves and provide insights, including through drama, focus groups, and art.

About this approach

Useful for talking with

Community members to find out what matters to them about certain themes.

Purpose of this type of conversation

To use trained volunteers to unpack personal thoughts and experiences about themes from members of their own communities.

Type of conversation

Varied, but usually in groups, using artwork or drama to elicit responses.

Training requirements

Community volunteers require at least one day of training.

Budget requirements

A budget is required to pay for initial training, and for refreshments, room hire and travel expenses for volunteers.

Time commitments

At least one day of training, and each conversation will take different amounts of time. Art conversations may be half a day, drama conversations may take place over a number of different days.

Community Researchers

Where we’ve used this locally

Access to Health Care project with Community Action Network and Public Health Dorset

Poole Communities Trust used an art approach to find out reasons local people were missing health appointments.

CoCreate used drama to find reasons people with mental health problems were missing health appointments.