At a glance

1:1 conversation

Care conversations take place with patients using hospital services; usually but not exclusively when a person is an inpatient. Conversations are recorded with consent, and the insights gathered are used for service development, training, and promotion. They are used in meetings to set the focus on patient experience and quality improvement.

The patient’s voice is powerful, and these deeper insights have been successful in driving change.

About this approach

Useful for talking with

People using hospital services, staying in hospital or those who have been discharged.

Purpose of this type of conversation

To inform service development, promotion and training.

Type of conversation

Open conversation.

Training requirements

Listening and empathy skills, ability to gain informed consent.

Budget requirements

Recording devices and consent paperwork.

Time commitments

Providing time and an environment conducive to open honest conversation.

Care Conversations

Where we’ve used this locally

Care Conversations have been used in Dorset to show the value of pilot services to local people, which has helped the services to continue.

Conversations highlighted how certain pathways and rehabilitations had made a difference to people and enhanced their care and recovery.