At a glance

1:1 conversation

This is a peer led engagement approach, where young people aged 16-25 are recruited as volunteers. The volunteers are provided with training and support to develop their own engagement plan and have conversations with their peers, capturing views about health and care services.

The conversations help to explore how young people experience health and care, what works for them and what they would change to improve the services they use. The power of this engagement approach is in the way young volunteers learn the skills they need to encourage other young people to open up, engage and have honest conversations with them.

About this approach

Useful for talking with

A diverse mix of young people.

Purpose of this type of conversation

Trains and supports young volunteers to have honest insight-gathering conversations with other young people.

Type of conversation

Semi structured, gathering some demographic data and using a conversation guide with open questions to help the conversation flow.

Training requirements

Previously training has included safeguarding, communication skills, unconscious bias, data protection, equality, diversity and disability awareness. This was delivered in partnership with Chatterbox youth disability group and an organisation called Worth-It for positive mental health and wellness.

Training was accredited, and the Young Listeners could complete certified online training from Health Education England and Healthwatch England.  They also received wellbeing training from WorthIt and a volunteer expert in nutrition and fitness, to ensure their own resilience and wellbeing, and were all DBS checked.

Budget requirements

Budget would depend on the scope of your project, but this approach benefits from a skilled youth support worker, has training costs, travel expenses for the Young Listeners plus refreshments for planning/reporting sessions and requires support for recruitment, analysis and reporting.

Time commitments

The Healthwatch Dorset Young Listeners project ran for ten months. We employed a part-time youth worker to support the project and the Young Listeners each took part in approximately eight hours of training, plus two all day sessions to plan the project, and bi-weekly catch ups online. They organised 70 conversations in one-to-ones and groups between them, and input approximately four hours each to analyse and write up the report and present their findings.

Young Listeners

Where we’ve used this locally