What if Dorset could transform the local economy to give better public health outcomes?
Imagine the impacts of shifting procurement patterns of our local organisations towards locally owned, pro-social businesses and social enterprises?
In this webinar Jay Tompt will share insights and learnings around how we can increase economic self-reliance and resilience within our local economy. There are proven ways of supporting economic change through a community wealth building approach which can help us tackle some of our big issues: social care provision and local inequalities for starters. Come and learn how others have done this and discuss with colleagues how we might do similar in Dorset.
Jay is co-founder of Local Spark in Torbay which works with members of all communities to start up and support businesses for good, build productive networks of enterprises and non-profit organisations, and engage large anchor institutions to unlock their transformative potential. Formerly a Silicon Valley ‘green business’ entrepreneur, he is currently a lecturer on Schumacher College’s masters programme in Regenerative Economics.