Paul Iggulden
Paul IgguldenConsultant

Why is Health Literacy important?

What is your role in the programme?

What would you like to see happen with the programme?

Rupert Lloyd
Rupert LloydSenior Health Programme Advisor

Why is Health Literacy important?
“Health literacy is about fairness and sharing power between patients and healthcare professionals. Communicating health information in ways people can understand gives them power to engage, act, challenge and be actively involved in their health.”

What is your role in the programme?
“I’m working to engage people across the Dorset system in increasing their health literacy skills and understanding and evaluate the impact we having.”

What would you like to see happen with the programme?
“I’d like to see the programme make thinking about and action to address health literacy a normal and routine part of everyday life in Dorset’s health and care system.”

Kelly Vaughan
Kelly VaughanBusiness Support Officer

Why is Health Literacy important?
“Health literacy is important because without being given clear information that is understandable, it is impossible for a patient to make an informed decision.”

What is your role in the programme?
“I am currently supporting Paul with expanding the Health Inequalities website to include Health Literacy and creating a community of practice for those who have attended a Health Literacy workshop.”

What would you like to see happen with the programme?
“I would like to see the inequality gap be tackled and see health literate information for all.”