Our vision and priorities


Joined-up health and wellbeing, consider mental and physical health

Invest in and involve care and support

Care closer to home

Children’s health and best start in life

Inequality or ‘fairness’ in access, outcomes and experience

Social isolation, loneliness

Listen and involve people in solutions

Integration themes

  • Greater involvement of voluntary sector and social networks to keep you well – invest seriously in prevention
  • Consider high quality spaces where this work could happen between formal and informal services
  • Care closer to home as default
  • Communication, listening and treating people as humans not patients; respect employees and their wellbeing too
  • Access and experience really critical – focus on the person’s experience and outcomes will improve
  • Tackle variation in outcomes, ‘fairness’ in access to services and support, consider who is waiting and the impact on health
  • Integrate physical and mental health care where possible
  • Encourage our organisations to look for and promote opportunities for good jobs and decent housing.


From our community conversations we have a good understanding of what people in Dorset feel are the most important when it comes to your health and wellbeing. If things were working well and services were being delivered seamlessly people would think, feel and do:

  • Listened to and involved
  • A sense of purpose and belonging
  • Not passed around services
  • Access services closer to home
  • Remain independent ‘give me the tools’
  • Use natural environment for wellbeing
  • Considered as a whole person or family

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) tells tells us these are the important factors:

  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Fairness in access to services, including digital
  • Loneliness and social isolation
  • Rising cost of living, hidden poverty
  • Children’s health and social care
  • Workforce and ability to help support people with more complex needs
  • Lack of maturity in working as one system to improve quality – demand and pressures
  • Integrated mental and physical health