On behalf of BCP’s Cultural Compact, Pavilion Dance is hosting a series of conversations to bring a wide range of creative organisations and individual practitioners from across BCP together to:

  • Grow a shared understanding of what is currently happening and the relationships that already exist across the conurbation
  • Share good practice and encourage networking & partnership building to enhance & extend what’s already happening
  • Feed into the developing Dorset NHS Creative Health Strategy, and help to position BCP organisations to be part of programmes supported by NHS Dorset in future
  • Explore the health & social care sector’s approach to evaluation and measuring outcomes, and consider agreeing a shared set of measurements to build a BCP-wide evidence base

The sessions will be facilitated by the Director of the National Centre for Creative Health, Alexandra Coulter, who brings a wealth of local and national experience. Discussions will be focused on the particular challenges and opportunities within BCP with the aim of generating concrete connections and ideas for those attending.

Wednesday 25 September, 10am – 1pm: Mapping BCP’s creative health landscape

Tuesday 22 October, 10am – 1pm: Understanding BCP’s health needs & NHS pathways

Thursday 21 November, 10am – 1pm: Evaluation & data gathering through a health lens

Places are free but booking is required.

Further details and booking links are available here.
