We use a recognised suite of tools to support you to define the clinical problem, develop and implement your innovation project and map benefits realisation.

Please have a look at the tools and for further support and training including horizon scanning, adaptation, adoption, and sustainability of proven innovations, please see our training pages.

Discover, Develop, and Deploy Flowcharts

This suite of high-level flowcharts has been created to support individuals navigating health and care as part of their innovation project. Recognising that individuals are at different stages of their innovation journey, the three stages – discover, develop, deploy – have been utilised. It is recognised that implementation of innovation isn’t linear and as such you will need to consider this. The flowcharts are designed to be used as part of our discussions with you and a guide as to what you need to consider at each stage e.g. type of project and key points that we ask you about as part of our facilitative discussion.

A copy of these flowcharts is available.

If you have any queries regarding this document, please email dorsetinnovationhub@uhd.nhs.uk 

Aqua Quality, Service Improvement and Redesign (QSIR)

QSIR – Tools by stage of project – Aqua

This is a comprehensive collection of proven quality, service improvement and redesign tools, theories and techniques that can be applied to a wide variety of situations. You can search the collection alphabetically for a specific tool or browse groups of tools using one of four categories.

Tools by stage of project – NHS tools, theories and techniques for implementing a service improvement project, ordered by the stage of project you are at, e.g. start out, handing over and sustaining etc.

Project Management Resources

Our Dorset’s project management office offers a range of templates and tools to support clinical and operational staff delivering projects and implementing change.

To access these tools, please contact transformation.team@nhsdorset.nhs.uk