The Innovation Team provides innovators with advice and hands-on support to adapt, adopt and sustain proven innovation and develop ideas into new services and products that will benefit the trust and wider NHS.

Your innovation project may be inventive or adopting existing innovation. These are defined as:

  • Adopting innovation: Adapt, adopt and spread developed, evaluated and evidenced based innovation solutions into practice in the service
  • Inventive innovation: Developing Dorset ICS staff ideas into new products and services

Adopting innovation

The Dorset Innovation Hub (DIH) can work with you to facilitate your adopting innovation project.

If you are working on an adopting innovation project, we can work as part of your project team to facilitate the project’s development and delivery. This facilitative support may include elements such as; development of a project plan, stakeholder analysis, horizon scanning, or the set-up of an evaluation framework. This support is tailored to the needs of the individual project and is subject to the approval and agreement of the DIH Programme Group.

Please contact us if you have an adopting innovation project that you would like to discuss further.

Inventive innovation

If you are working on an inventive innovation project you will need to contact the organisation you work for, e.g. Dorset Healthcare University Foundation Trust. If needed, please contact us for guidance on who may be the most appropriate point of contact in your organisation.

NHS Innovation Service

The Dorset Innovation Hub utilises the Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC) ‘NHS Innovation Service’.  This new service is available for healthcare innovators to make it ‘easier and faster to bring healthcare innovations into the NHS’  and provides support and expert advice from leading organisations.

Access the tool.

Within the Dorset Innovation Hub, we utilise the principles of the NHS Innovation Service to support healthcare innovators navigate development and spread of innovations.