Dorset is home to more than 770,000 residents and over 25 million day visits are made here every year. Every one of those people deserves fair and effective policing as we strive to make Dorset a safe county for everyone.
We are proud that Dorset is one of the safest counties in the UK and we are committed to working with our partners and communities to make it an even safer and better place. Throughout history, policing has been most effective when the community and the police work together, helping each other to reduce crime and the fear of crime.
We have set our operational priorities, which are based on today’s risks and from what our communities and the Police and Crime Commissioner have told us are areas of concern. Each year these priorities are reviewed and throughout the year we will work with the Police & Crime Commissioner to ensure the Force is focused on them.
Our vision
- A safe county for everyone.
Our purpose
- Tough on crime
- Keeping people safe
- Putting victims first
Our priorities
- Relentless pursuit of criminals
- Exceptional local policing
- Innovating, transforming and improving
- Putting victims first
- Enabling people to achieve excellence
- Ethical and inclusive
You can find out more about Dorset Police by visiting https://www.dorset.police.uk/