We are here to support children, young people and families experiencing challenges that may put them under pressure. This might include:

  • emotional health and wellbeing challenges

  • developmental delays and learning support needs

  • alcohol and substance misuse

  • housing

  • cost of living and debt issues

  • domestic violence

  • bullying and poor school attendance

  • relationship breakdowns.

We know families can find it difficult to ask for help, to understand where to go, and what services are relevant for them. When they do find a service which can help them, they can end up waiting for services and being passed to different agencies, increasing worries and anxiety. This is not a good experience for anyone, and families are telling us they are fed up.

Local professionals are also unclear about what services are available, making it difficult for them to signpost families to the right support.

We have developed our early help partnership to make sure we put children and their families at the centre of what we do.

Help at the earliest opportunity

We know children and young people can overcome difficulties and problems if they can get the right information, advice and support at the right time. The early help partnership can help people access support from a range of sources across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.

We have a collaborative approach to early help. Local agencies work with families to identify who is best placed to offer support. This could be in the community, at home, in schools or nurseries, in health services or other local spaces.

Our early help strategy

We want to:

  • provide access and pathways to the right people, for the right conversations at the right time, so families get the help they need when they need it most

  • build a strong multi-agency partnership that works together to support local families

  • build resilience in families and communities, equipping them with what they need to support babies, children and young people

  • reduce risks for babies, children and young people from significant harm

  • evidence the impact the partnership is having and use family voices to shape future service design.

We have five areas for development:

  1. A new approach to assessment – using a common language and documentation, and clear guidance about what intervention is needed, and when.
  2. Developing our workforce – supporting all people with our early help partnership with some specific themed early help training programmes.
  3. Measuring impact – developing clear measures so we can understand how we are improving the experience for our children, young people and families.
  4. Clear governance – making sure as a partnership we are shaping and implementing change together, and that we report into and are accountable to senior leaders across the BCP area.
  5. Transforming our family hubs – improving and developing our services from the hubs and in the local area.

People providing this support put children and young people at the heart of what they do, making sure they are safe and protected. By working flexibly, across different agencies, they can provide effective and targeted services and have a shared responsibility for the good outcomes of our children and young people.

Our planned outcomes

To help to understand the difference we are making, we have a shared outcomes framework which helps to measure our impact. This will also help partners develop their own priorities and services. These outcome measures are:

  • getting a good education

  • improved mental and physical health

  • promoting recovery and reducing harm from substance use

  • good early years development

  • financial stability

  • secure housing

  • improved family relationships

  • children safe from abuse and exploitation

  • safe from domestic abuse

  • crime prevention and tackling crime

These outcomes link with the national supporting families’ outcomes framework.

Our partners

We have a strong partnership with statutory and voluntary organisations across the area. We have the same goal: to help meet the needs of our children, young people, and families. This might be as simple as offering support, advice, and information, or more intensive support for families with more complex needs. Whatever the need, partners will work together to ensure seamless and integrated services, where there is no wrong front door, and people only need to share their information once.

Our partners include:

  • Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council

  • Community Action Network (CAN)

  • Department for Work and Pensions

  • Dorset Council

  • Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust

  • Dorset Parent Infant Partnership (DorPIP)

  • Dorset Police

  • Parents, Carers Together

  • Public Health Dorset

  • Skills and Learning ACE

  • University Hospital Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

  • YMCA Bournemouth

Family hubs

Family hubs are great places to find out more about what support is available in your local area. They are a free, one stop shop to help you with all your parenting needs, whatever the age of your child.

They are welcoming, non-judgemental and friendly places where you can find lots of advice, support and guidance for you and your children, and have the chance to meet up with other local families in your area.

Family hubs can be found in communities across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. We’re also online, so if you can’t come to us, you can find lots of great advice and information to help on our website.

We’re here for everyone, providing help and guidance for every parent, carer or grandparent who needs support, advice, or just time to check in with other people and professionals in a safe space.

We team up with all sorts of organisations and groups to make sure you can get what you need from one place. You only need to ask for help once, and we’ll make sure you get to the right person to make sure you have the right support for you.

We can offer support and advice in the following areas:

  • Pregnancy, birth and parenting

  • Early education and childcare

  • Improving family health

  • Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) support

  • Building healthy relationships

  • Housing information

  • Money advice and support

  • Support for teenagers and young adults

  • What’s on and family activities

  • Keeping your children safe

Locations of family hubs


22 Ashley Road, BH1 4PE
Telephone: 01202 096699
Email: boscombefamilyhub@bcpcouncil.gov.uk


Draper Road, BH23 3AS
Telephone: 01202 093500
Email: christchurchfamilyhub@bcpcouncil.gov.uk

Kinson and West Howe

Moore Avenue, BH11 8AU
Telephone: 01202 096700
Email: kinsonandwesthowefamilyhub@bcpcouncil.gov.uk

Poole Old Town

Green Road, BH15 1QB
Telephone: 01202 817772
Email: oldtownfamilyhub@bcpcouncil.gov.uk


Herbert Avenue, BH12 4HR
Telephone: 01202 817772
Email: rossmorefamilyhub@bcpcouncil.gov.uk


Jewell Road, BH8 0LT
Telephone: 01202 720472
Email: townsendfamilyhub@bcpcouncil.gov.uk

Turlin Moor

Turlin Road, BH16 5AH
Telephone: 01202 817770
Email: turlinmoorfamilyhub@bcpcouncil.gov.uk

BCP Council Family Information Services

Telephone: 01202 093131
Email: familyinformation@bcpcouncil.gov.uk