Minstead Trust – walk in the park

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Activity: A walk in the park

Description: For family carers of adults with a learning a disability. Caring is not a walk in the park, but today for a while it could be.

Location: Poole Park

Activity details: Please contact Sini on 07586 717228 or Sini.Lucas@minsteadtrust.org.uk to register and to be informed of any changes. We meet at the Ark Café entrance, next to the Ark Café car park. Between 12pm and 12.15pm and will do a slow walk and chat, around a wheelchair accessible route for approximately an hour (max), stopping when we need to. Do bring a drink with you. We will then walk back to Ark and those who wish can join in the café for rest and a free hot drink after the walk. Please note all participants are responsible for their own family members who may join on the walk. Event is weather permitting, but a light drizzle won’t stop the event. Please note parking fees may apply at local car parks.


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