From AI and virtual wards to wearables and apps – digital is the future of health and care. 

The Our Dorset Digital Public Engagement Group (DPEG) help to shape and improve Dorset’s digital health and care services. Working on NHS and partner projects to improve mental health and wellbeing, maternity and women’s health, cancer, and long-term conditions like diabetes and asthma.

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About the DPEG

The Digital Public Engagement Group (DPEG) was formed in 2021.

It’s made up of over 30 members with a variety of lived experience across Dorset’s geography, demography and diversity, including those with existing long-term conditions who have an insight into using technologies to help manage and monitor their condition.

The key role of the DPEG is to provide advice and challenge for system-wide development of Dorset’s digital health and care technologies, services and communications. The group also guide our approach to public engagement in relation to digital health and care, to digitise and transform services safely and securely. This will improve the outcomes, experience and safety for everyone in Dorset.

Meetings are bi-monthly, alternating between online and face to face.

Meet the DPEG


Jim McMahon

What excites me most about the DPEG is that we have a rich pool of knowledgeable, talented and enthusiastic members who, as a group of public representatives, share the responsibility of building a healthcare system we are proud of in Dorset.


Elayne Goulding

It is important that Dorset engages with patients from all demographics to ensure true equality, diversity and inclusion in all their services and especially when introducing new IT systems and digital transformation
for the future.


Mike Fletcher

 The NHS is a key institution in modern Britain. Its future development, hand in hand with delivering social care, crucially requires patient involvement. The PEG is a genuine forum for the patient voice to be heard in the shaping of health and social services.


Kirsty Seager

I believe everyone has a voice, and I am passionate about disability rights.


Julie Saunders

Being passionate about the benefits of being online and supporting digital inclusion, it’s great to be part of the DPEG.


Bob Avant

While I can use digital communications I feel all should have the same access and that the PEG should not be digitally bias.

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Ian Gall

What impresses me most about the DPEG is the willingness and enthusiasm of our members to continue to be involved and engaged and to offer such rich and valuable insights and experience for the benefit of the health and social care landscape in Dorset.


Diane Smelt

I’m a self-taught silver-surfer with an interest in engaging with similar like-minded people who want to learn to surf the net and use digital tools and facilities to access local health and care services on their phones, tablets and laptops.


Janet Gee

We are part of the DPEG with a particular remit to put forward  Jewish perspectives which need to be considered as part of any plans and ideas.

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Mike Byatt

DPEG provides an opportunity to have a collective voice and engage, promote NHS Dorset digital with the public .

There are great benefits to patient health wellbeing especially with the ongoing development use of apps, transformation and government investment in NHS digital/technology .

It’s great to share, hear, and listen to a wide range of  knowledge and experience that informs the delivery of NHS Dorset DPEG plan .

Karen Wye

Karen Wye

I am visual impaired person who can just about read but heading to using voice over soon.

Phones and tablets are very good for visual impaired as you can zoom in on stuff.

So all the new way NHS communicates with us using digital media can be brilliant.

Marion Burgess

Marion Burgess

My name is Marion Burgess. My involvement with DPEG (Dorset Patient Engagement Group) is incredibly important to me. Through this platform, I aim to discover and share vital information about the various health services available to the wider community. By connecting people with the resources that they need, I hope to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.

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Peter Coghlan

As someone who’s worked in the IT industry for many years, including the provision of digital tools and services, I’m acutely aware of the need to develop digital services that not only perform the tasks for which they’ve been designed, but do so intuitively, accessibly and easily.

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Andy Taylor

After a successful career in the Royal Navy, during which I undertook many duties notably in security, I went into information security as a consultant advising many different organisations.

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Tim West

I joined this group as a way of giving something back to our excellent NHS that has given so much to me, and to assist in shaping our future.

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Sue Howshall

I am keen for truly a national health service, with equal access to all. I enjoy the PEG/DPEG meetings; they are never dull. I feel that we are listened to and that our opinions are taken into account.

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Paul Tomlinson

As a retired chartered engineer, and as a very happy user of a cochlear implant I am well seized of the potential or using digital technology to improve health care outcomes.

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Mark Gillespie

Having lived in Weymouth my entire life, I’ve experienced both the pre-internet and internet eras. My technical background, combined with personal experience using NHS digital services, gives me valuable insights that I believe would benefit the DPEG. I’m keen to contribute to improving Dorset’s NHS digital offerings.

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Samantha Dawson

My name is Samantha Dawson, and I have been diagnosed with HIV for 18 years. I currently manage an HIV charity that covers the whole of Dorset and have an interest in the rights of people living with HIV especially women.

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John Hewitt

John joined the DPEG to increase his knowledge of the different ways that digital appliances can improve the health outcomes for all age groups, and thus help to pass valuable information onto others. Also, to encourage more patients, particularly the elderly, to use the internet to manage their health by explaining how to use it to their advantage, and to reduce their fears in doing so.