In December 2022, Patricia Hewitt, chair of Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board, began a review of the oversight, governance and accountability of integrated care systems (ICSs).

The final report, released in April 2023, proposes greater autonomy to enable ICSs to better prevent ill health and improve NHS productivity and care, matched by renewed accountability.

The independent review considered how the oversight and governance of these systems (ICSs) across England can best enable them to succeed.

Drawing on the insights of leaders from across the NHS, local government, social care providers, the charitable and the voluntary and social enterprise sector the review looked at how best to empower local leaders to focus on improving outcomes for their populations.

As part of the review Patricia Miller, Chief Executive of NHS Dorset, was joint chair of the prevention, population health management and health inequalities workstream. She said: “Investing in prevention is crucial if we are to truly address the challenges we face to reduce demand in health and care, associated spend and reduce health disparities. Integrated Care Systems are ideally placed to drive the changes needed to create more sustainable solutions.”

“In Dorset, we have been using data and digital tools to embed a population health management approach. By predicting situations such as frail patients at risk of falling we have been able to intervene to help prevent falls. This approach not only supports and promotes self-care it also has big cost saving benefits in continuing care costs.”

“Local systems rightly need the freedom, flexibility and local accountability to work with communities to improve outcomes for the people they serve.”

The final report is available to read online.