About the PEG
The Our Dorset Public Engagement Group (PEG) was formed in 2017.
The PEG is made up of 25 local people who have a wealth of lived experience across Dorset’s geography, demography and diversity.
The key role of the PEG is to provide advice, guidance and challenge on public engagement that is being planned across the system, to ensure that Dorset informs and involves local people when developing and delivering future health and care services in an appropriate and proportionate way.
Members meet bi-monthly via Microsoft Teams and an annual face-to-face meeting is hosted in the summer.
Meet the PEG

Peter Coghlan
Being a member of the PEG and providing a patient perspective for the NHS in Dorset has been a privilege, especially during the pandemic with the rapid changes required to help patients, their carers and families through traumatic times. I believe the PEG has added significant value for the NHS and the people of Dorset, and I look forward to its further development and involvement over the coming years.

Nicky Murdoch
The public and patient voice is vital to getting the right services for patients and their families, and if it is not delivering what matters to them it is not delivering for anyone; patients, providers or the public. The PEG has a key role to play in the delivery of the integrated care system and the ICB as part of the collaborative partnership.

Joanne Dakin
“I am excited to join the Dorset Patient Engagement Group and to directly support the evolvement of health, care and services. Health and well being is pivotal for our lives as individuals, our communities and for society as a whole. When we do suffer health problems my vision is for this to be easy to access, with fast accurate diagnosis so the problem is quickly recognised. The pathways that follow should be up to date and tailored services with care focused on patient and carers.
Patients must have straight forward, up to date information and to be empowered through involvement in decision making about their care. How we communicate and collaborate together is really important to give everyone the best chance of accessing a healthy positive life.”