Dorset Council Carers Information
Information stand and drop in. Location: Asda Weymouth Details: No [...]
Information stand and drop in. Location: Asda Weymouth Details: No [...]
Organisation: Kissing it Better Activity: Carers coffee catch up Description: [...]
Activity: Learning Disability Family Carers Drop-in Description: Come and have [...]
Activity: Connecting the Community: Putting Carers on the Map Description: [...]
Activity: Information stand and drop in to be held in [...]
Activity: Art therapy. Description: We will be hosting an art [...]
Activity: Wareham Carer Cafe Description: Join us for our social [...]
Organisation: Poole North Primary Care Network Activity: Cake for carers [...]
Activity: A walk in the park Description: For family carers [...]
Organisation: Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Forward Carers & BCP Council Activity: [...]